Life is like a snowball.
The important thing is finding wet snow and a really long hill.|

Hello World

Info 本页面用于Markdown的渲染测试。 This page is for markdown rendering test. 段落 Paragraph 英文段落 English Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris ut feugiat dui. Quisque bibendum ac mi et dignissim. Donec faucibus mi at enim dignissim rutrum. Fusce lobortis mi et dolor mattis venenatis. Aenean imperdiet, libero vitae rutrum iaculis, sem lacus tincidunt dolor, eget posuere est nulla eu erat. Etiam leo libero, laoreet at consectetur in, tincidunt in arcu.

five categories of DP questions

Great summary of DP questions Source: https://leetcode.com/problems/target-sum/discuss/455024/DP-IS-EASY!-5-Steps-to-Think-Through-DP-Questions. This post will walk you through the THINKING process behind Dynamic Programming so that you can solve these questions on your own. Category Most dynamic programming questions can be boiled down to a few categories. It’s important to recognize the category because it allows us to FRAME a new question into something we already know. Frame means use the framework, not copy an approach from another problem into the current problem.

Design Notification Service - System Design Interview

TO DO: gossip proctocol Problem Statement Publisher/Subscriber model that publisher publishes messages need to be delivered to a group of subscribers. The straight forward way is synchronous publishing that publisher calls each subscribers in some order and wait for response. We need to build a notification service that can register arbitrary number of subscribers and coordiantes the message delivery. Functional Requirements A set of functions that the system will support, more specifically, APIs.

Design Distributed Message Queue - System Design Interview

TO DO: leaky bucket rate limit control bulkhead pattern and circuit breaker pattern Problem Statment Two web services, producer and consumer, need to communicate with each other. Synchronous communcation is easy to implement but hard to deal with consumer service failures. Potential problem includes: how to retry failed request how to control send speed hwo to deal with slow consumer We need to build a queue to achieve asynchronous communcation.

Design Distributed Cache - System Design Interview

Problem statement For a typical web application, client makes a call to a web service and web service makes a call to data storage. typical web appication Potential Problems: repeated requests keep consume resource With cache (in memory cache), web service will first check cache before hitting data store. Benefits: the system might still work a short period of time if data store is down the latency will be reduced repeated requests won’t consume resource The cache needs to be distributed because the amount of data is too large to fit into the memory of a single machine.